Slow Travel – Zero Waste Tips

I love to travel, it might be to the next town or to the next country. I am based inSouth Africa and often visiting another country requires air travel. At most I willperhaps make a trip once a year and go to one place for a few weeks andexperience it to the point where IContinue reading "Slow Travel – Zero Waste Tips"

Know Your Plastics and Understand that Recycling isn’t the Final Answer

Through my zero-waste journey I have tried to research every aspect of a product before buying it. What I have realized is that we are being fed quite a bit of green-washing when it comes to recycling. My mom is a religious recycler and was quite shocked to find out that not all plastic wasContinue reading "Know Your Plastics and Understand that Recycling isn’t the Final Answer"

Saving More Than Money

As some of you may know, 2018 was the year I decided that we as a household would start our Zero Waste journey. For those who are unfamiliar with Zero Waste, in short it is a lifestyle in which you buy products (mainly package free) in such a way that you don’t send anything toContinue reading "Saving More Than Money"

7 Basics of Zero Waste for Beginners

What is Zero Waste? In short Zero Waste is a life style in which you don’t send any trash to the landfill. It is a growing trend as consumers become more conscious of the environmental impact of trash (with emphasis on plastic) and the consequences that directly impact us. It’s realizing we need to changeContinue reading "7 Basics of Zero Waste for Beginners"

Indochine… An experience for the senses

  Following the mountainous curves of the misty Helshoogte road you find one of the winelands’ best kept secrets, the Delaire Graff Estate. The estate is owned by Laurence Graff, an English jeweler. He was the founder of the internationally renowned Graff Diamonds in 1960 and has handled many rare precious gems and diamonds inContinue reading "Indochine… An experience for the senses"

Fugard Theatre: A Beacon of Humanity

District Six, a cosmopolitan once booming with creative juices, attracting musicians, writers and politicians in the struggle against apartheid. The area was rich with culture, music, foods and art. It enriched and provided ample contribution to the distinguished history of South African jazz music. Basil Coetzee, a musician who lived in District Six wrote aContinue reading "Fugard Theatre: A Beacon of Humanity"

Wormholes of Information

Dusty giants rise up to meet the sky, their dark shadows looming overhead. You feel the warmth of the sun leave your skin as one of the beast’s silhouette consumes you, stepping into the belly of the beast you are welcomed by the cool breath of relief. Everything in America is larger, including the prestigiousContinue reading "Wormholes of Information"